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Our People

Meet the Team



From the get-go we realized that we couldn't -- and didn't want to be -- all things to all people. That's why, since we first opened our doors, we have focused exclusively on providing autism treatment providers with the information, resources and services they need to successfully overcome the insurance credentialing, contracting and audit challenges they encounter.

Wanda Refaely
Partner, Senior Consultant & Relationship Manager


As ATPIAN’s Senior Consultant and Relationship Manager, Wanda works directly with our autism treatment providers to complete the insurance credentialing, audit and contracting processes. She brings more than two decades of relationship-building, marketing, communications, writing, and strategic problem solving experience in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors to this role. Her practical, hands-on research, editing and data synthesis experience are central to ATPIAN's ability to provide tailored, client-focused services.

Wanda was instrumental in ATPIAN's formation and serves as its primary point of contact for both clients and insurance companies. From the outset, Wanda immersed herself in ATPIAN’s operations, its clients and in the ongoing process of acquiring and staying current with the knowledge-base and relationships required to ensure exceptional results. She has a tremendous track-record of success in this previously uncharted domain and has built a solid reputation for ATPIAN, and for herself, as an “expert” in the field.  

Prior to the establishment of ATPIAN, Wanda worked with Creative Legislative Solutions, a lobbying firm focused on legislation and issues related to autism insurance reform and the developmentally disabled community. She worked with clients providing targeted marketing, communications and business development services.

Wanda earned a degree in Education and English from Tel Aviv University. She lived and worked in Israel for nearly 20 years prior to her return to the United States in 1998. She currently resides in San Diego. In addition to her family and her work, Wanda is active in the local non-profit community serving on several boards and committees.

Jim Lantry


Jim Lantry’s unique professional background afforded him a rare perspective into the newly emerging needs of autism treatment providers as they faced the challenges of becoming in-network providers with the passage of autism insurance reform legislation. He worked for more than a quarter of a century advocating on behalf of the developmentally disabled as a lobbyist -- with more than a decade focused on the interests of families coping with autism and those serving them.

Early in 2013 Jim’s life took a turn in a new direction which led him to the decision to move on to a new endeavor. He turned over the reins of ATPIAN’s leadership to Wanda citing her experience in driving the business and her ethical and honest approach with clients, vendors and associates. Since that time, Jim has remained available to ATPIAN clients on an as-needed, consultative basis, but is no longer active in the firm’s daily operations.

A native San Diegan, Jim is a graduate of San Diego State University.  He is active in the political and civic San Diego community and is a former Congressional candidate.

Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved.  ATPIAN -- Autism Treatment Providers' Insurance Authorization Network.

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